Georgia Hale

Young New Zealander of the Year


University of Canterbury

Young New Zealander of the Year

Te Mātātahi o te Tau

University of Canterbury
Georgia Hale is a champion sportsperson who has represented New Zealand in four separate sports. She has used her sporting profile as a platform to create a huge community impact around New Zealand.
Georgia is one of the youngest-ever captains in New Zealand sport, captaining the Women′s Warriors Rugby League team when she was only 24. She has represented New Zealand in touch, tag, league nines and league thirteens.
Georgia has dedicated herself to supporting communities. She influences thousands of children by visiting schools around the country and teaching students how to live a healthy lifestyle. She has set up a number of community initiatives with the Warriors, including the Great Charity Day which raised more than $120,000 in its first two years.
She has also set up a number of initiatives through her platform to help young children, rural communities, the intellectually disabled, and a wide range of other charities. A role model to many, Georgia epitomises a young New Zealander who is striving to better herself and the communities around her.