Team New Zealand Design Team

New Zealand Innovator of the Year



New Zealand Innovator of the Year

Te Pou Whakairo o te Tau


Team New Zealand Design Team

There are many remarkable elements of Team New Zealand′s stunning win in Bermuda: the unflappable performances of helmsman Peter Burling in his first America′s Cup; their recovery from the dramatic capsize during the challenger semi-finals and the great redemption story after the crushing despair of San Francisco four years ago are just some of these elements.
But perhaps most remarkable of all, is how a team, came to be so far ahead of the development curve.
The Design Team knew that they could not out-spend the bigger teams, and would never catch-up in sailing time. The only chance for success would be a bold, innovative design that drew the very best from this talented team.
Taking a fresh look at where the America′s Cup could be won or lost led to a revolutionary design concept that stepped away from their competitors in many areas. Whilst the most visible innovation was the use of ‘cyclors′ rather than grinders, this was just one piece of the complex design puzzle which all had to work together to make the Kiwi boat fly.
And fly they did – the brilliant success achieved in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds was simply outstanding.

These game changers in their field have used their insight and their passion to make a significant impact. In the spirit of Kiwi inventiveness and resourcefulness, they have created a better future for Aotearoa.

Nominees of this Award must:

  • Be an individual who conceptualised and developed an innovation involving a product, service, technology, idea/theory or process across any industry sector including (but not limited to) health, science, technology, robotics, business, education, environmental, sustainability, agriculture, disadvantaged communities, and non-profits.
  • Have had significant impact over the last 12 months.
  • Be a role model for New Zealanders and highlight a brighter future for New Zealanders.
  • Meet Awards Conditions of Entry.

Judges will review each nominee using the following criteria:

  • 10 points: INNOVATION:
    Describe the innovation of your nominee and the thoughtful, creative, and innovative approach it takes to resolve a challenge.
  • 10 points: NEED:
    What problem does the innovation solve? And how is it unique to the market?
  • 10 points: COMMITMENT:
    Describe the commitment of time, risks, and challenges overcome to develop the innovation to this point (this may still be ongoing).
  • 10 points: PROVEN-IMPACT:
    How has the innovation clearly demonstrated a positive impact on the targeted community (particularly over the last 12-months)? How has this been measured?
  • 10 points: POTENTIAL:
    Describe the opportunity the innovation has to generate economic, social, and/or environmental benefits for a local industry sector, the nation, and or globally.
  • 10 points: LONG-TERM IMPACT:
    How is the nominee planning to enhance, grow, and/or adapt the innovation in the future to best meet the changing needs of the targeted population? How would winning this award impact this person and the work that they are doing?


Conditions of Entry



2025 Spark Innovator of the Year Finalist Emma Lewisham

Emma Lewisham


Cecilia Robinson


Emily Blythe


Mark Sagar PhD FRSNZ


Ranjna Patel ONZM QSM JP


Bill Buckley − Buckley Systems Ltd


Ian Taylor − Animation Research Ltd


Team New Zealand Design Team


Professor Ed Gane


HYVAN Anaesthesia Ltd


Peter Beck

