Nicola MacDonald ( Ngāti Wai, Te Rarawa, and Taranaki) is a practitioner of kaitiakitanga who believes in walking her talk – hikoi te korero. A dedicated conservationist, she led the deployment of the world’s largest shellfish bed restoration (150 tonnes of mussels) in Te Moananui-ā-Toi/The Hauraki Gulf, has participated in and planted over over 350,000 trees in the Mahurangi to combat the impacts of climate change, and is a co-researcher on mātauranga Māori methods to use natural fibres replacing plastic ropes used for mussel spat. Nicola’s drive to tackle issues head on attracts people to join her in combating threats to te taiao/the environment, particularly her leadership in facing the invasion of the exotic caulerpa weed where she enlisted experts from California to help address this issue. Currently, she is a member of several governance bodies including the Māori Women’s Welfare League and the climate change platform Oho Mauri Trust. Nicola is also Chair of the Auckland Conservation Board, and Pou Taiao (representing the 19 mana whenua of Tāmaki Makaurau) and she is co-chair of the Hauraki Gulf Forum. Her approach embodies the essence of kaitiakitanga – safeguarding our environment for future generations. Grounded in te ao Māori, Nicola’s leadership consistently demonstrates her dedication to tangata whenua and maintaining the balance between our cultural heritage and the natural world.
The people working towards a sustainable and thriving future for Aotearoa. Making remarkable contributions to the wellbeing of our planet. They are actively engaged in initiatives that protect, restore, and regenerate the environment of Aotearoa, and beyond.
Nominees for this Award must:
Judges will review each nominee using the following criteria:
New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year
Malcolm Johns
Chief Executive, Genesis
Genesis proudly supports the New Zealander of the Year category – Sustainability Leader of the Year 2025, underscoring our dedication to supporting New Zealand to reach its target of net zero 2050. We’re investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, while seeking to protect and restore the environments in which we operate. In sponsoring this Award Genesis wishes to celebrate those leading the way in sustainability, showing what’s possible and inspiring others.
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