Deborah Manning ONZM

New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year


New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year

Te Toa Taiao o te Tau


Deborah Manning ONZM

Lawyer turned social entrepreneur, Deborah Manning is a trailblazer in sustainability and food security – transforming New Zealand’s food rescue landscape through her venture KiwiHarvest and the New Zealand Food Network.

Responding to growing food insecurity and environmental concerns, Deborah started KiwiHarvest from her car in Dunedin 12 years ago, leading efforts to prevent food waste and support communities. Today, KiwiHarvest operates five branches across the country, rescuing 13,836,000 kilograms of food since inception (that’s equivalent to 30 million meals, and 36 million kg of CO₂ averted).

Partnering with a diverse range of food businesses and community agencies, KiwiHarvest’s impact is both social and environmental – valued at nearly $18million in their last financial year. In 2020, Deborah expanded her vision by founding the New Zealand Food Network, creating better storage and infrastructure around national food distribution. This is the first of its kind in New Zealand, offering a nationwide solution that supports a sustainable, equitable, and resilient food system. Today, Deborah’s leadership continues to shape sustainability efforts, as seen in her role on the NZ Food Waste Champions 12.3 Trust.

The people working towards a sustainable and thriving future for Aotearoa. Making remarkable contributions to the wellbeing of our planet. They are actively engaged in initiatives that protect, restore, and regenerate the environment of Aotearoa, and beyond.

Nominees for this Award must:

  • Demonstrate tangible actions, with proven impact, towards global sustainability goals focused on environment – including (but not limited to) climate change, air and water pollution, water scarcity, food insecurity, deforestation, rising sea levels, loss of species and habitat biodiversity, or loss of indigenous environmental knowledge and traditions.
  • Show significant impact within the past year.
  • Serve as role models fellow New Zealanders (and beyond) – inspiring a sustainable and thriving future for Aotearoa.
  • Meet Awards Conditions of Entry.

Judges will review each nominee using the following criteria:

    Describe the person you are nominating and what they’ve done to inspire you over the past year to nominate them as the 2025 New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year Te Toa Taiao o te Tau.
  • 10 points: PURPOSE
    How does the planet benefit from the mahi, contribution, or influence of this person – and how?
  • 10 points: COMMITMENT
    Describe the commitment of time, risks, and challenges overcome to create an impact to this point (this may still be ongoing). What have they done that has gone above and beyond to show leadership, creativity/innovation, and create change?
  • 10 points: PROVEN IMPACT
    How has this person clearly demonstrated a positive contribution, with proven impact, towards sustainability (particularly over the last 12 -months)? How has this been measured?
  • 10 points: LONG-TERM IMPACT
    If known, how does the nominee plan to grow and/or adapt their work, contribution, or influence in the future? How would winning this award impact this person and the work that they are doing?


Conditions of Entry



2025 Genesis New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year Finalist Deborah Manning ONZM

Deborah Manning ONZM


Nicola MacDonald


Camden Howitt


Charmaine Bailie

